

The Jamaica Developers Association was incorporated on 30th May, 1969.

Developer Issues

In 1968 a group of  Developers met, with a view to forming the Jamaica Association of Real Estate Developers Ltd. as a result of the unsatisfactory operations of the Town Planning Department regarding the inordinate delays in the approval process which caused great concern and frustration. In addition, developers suffered financial loss, and the formation of the Association became necessary to protect the interests of these private sector investors.

Memorandum of Association

They  drafted a Memorandum of Association and Bye Laws for the purpose of incorporating the Association:-

  • To promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting real estate developers (including housing developers of land subdivisions, property developers both commercial and residential and all ancillary and all forms of development ) and generally to watch over and protect the interests of persons engaged in the business of real estate development.
  • To give members of the Legislature and other bodies facilities for conferring with, and ascertaining the views of persons engaged as real estate developers as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting that business.
  •  To originate and promote improvements in the law and to effect improvements in administration and for the purpose aforesaid to petition Parliament as may be deemed expedient.                                          

The Aims of the Association

  • To promote excellence and just and honorable practices in the conduct of the business of real estate development and to suppress malpractice.
  • To admit all persons (whether eligible or not eligible for membership) to be associate or honorary members of the Association on such terms, and to confer on them such rights and privileges as may seem expedient.

Founding Members

Mr. Mayer Matalon (then Chairman of the Industrial Commercial Developments Ltd ) was nominated “Chairman of the proposed Developers Association”. At the inaugural meeting  it was noted that the formation of the Association was essential, as “both the Minister of Finance & Development and the Minister of Housing have indicated that they are anxious to see an Association representing all the Developers so that they will be able to channel all information affecting Developers through one body”. In fact, the Minister of Finance & Development, the Hon. Edward Seaga, had asked them to draft and submit to him a uniform building code, together with proposals for a Central Planning Board.

Foundation Members included Messrs. Mayer Matalon, Maurice Facey, John Issa, Patrick Rousseau, Arthur Ziadie, Ian Don, H.I. Henriques, Frank Hall, Derrick Chang, Colin Whittingham, and Vayden McMorris.

Name Change

In 1973 the name was changed to “Jamaica Developers Association Ltd.” with the approval of the Registrar of Companies.